Maven Security will be presenting a talk at Delaware’s 10th Annual Cyber Security Workshop. This event will provide cyber security training for Delaware’s citizens, business employees, students, and government employees.
The handouts from our presentation can be found under our Resources page here: Resources
The Secure Delaware 2019 Cyber Workshop is an opportunity to come together for an informative full-day session focusing on cyber security. Industry experts on Cyber Security will present information in a large group setting. Additionally, 12 unique cyber topics have been included in the event agenda for smaller group breakout sessions. Topics include Defense/Protection Strategies, Cyber Security Innovations, Breach Case Studies, Legal Implications, Security in the Cloud , and Cyber Threats of the Future. Opportunities will be available to share information and collaborate across all lines of government, business, and citizens, with the goal of strengthening our readiness and response posture.
The workshop is brought to you by the Delaware Department of Technology and Information, the Greater Wilmington Cyber Security Group, Delaware League of Local Governments, Delaware Technical and Community College, University of Delaware, and the Delaware Small Business Development Center.
More details and registration link here: Cyber Security in Delaware